Every December, the Society for Risk Analysis holds its Annual Meeting. It is the leading professional conference for risk analysis. GCRI has participated in the Annual Meeting in most years since 2010, as detailed here.

This year, GCRI is involved in three presentations. Each presentation is led by one or more early-career researchers who connected with GCRI via this year’s advising and collaboration program. GCRI is excited to provide these researchers with the opportunity to attend the SRA Annual Meeting and share their research. The research to be presented is excellent and will make a valuable contribution to the Annual Meeting.

The presentation titles are below. Full abstracts are available here.

Title: Military Artificial Intelligence and Global Catastrophic Risk
Authors: Uliana Certan and Seth Baum

Title: Moral Circle Expansion as a Means of Advancing Management of Global Catastrophic Risks
Authors: Manon Gouiran, Dakota Norris, and Seth Baum

Title: Policy Attention to Extreme Catastrophic Risk: The Curious Case of Near-Earth Objects
Authors: Aaron Martin and Seth Baum