GCRI is pleased to announce the publication of its newest resource for the global catastrophic risk community, a directory of GCR organizations. The resource features 117 organizations, each with an annotation describing the organization.

The organizations listed here work on many different aspects of GCR. The organizations cover many specific GCRs and many approaches to addressing the risks. There are also many types of organizations, including think tanks, university research groups, government agencies, and private foundations. The organizations come from many different countries, though most are in the United States. Indeed, despite the large number of organizations we have identified, we expect that we are missing many, especially organizations based outside the U.S. We encourage you to let us know of any organizations that we have overlooked, either in the comment thread below or via our contact form.

Work towards this directory was contributed by several people: Tony Barrett, Tim Maher, Grant Wilson, and myself from GCRI, plus Nick Beckstead, Gordon Irlam, Jonatas Müller, and Lennart Stern. Tim Maher in particular deserves credit for merging several previous lists, pulling out some unrelated organizations, and finally writing the careful annotations accompanying each organization.