November Newsletter: A Year of Growth

Dear friends, 2019 has been a year of growth for GCRI. One year ago, we described a turning point for the organization and announced our goal of scaling up to increase our impact on global catastrophic risk. Over the past year, we have made considerable progress...

Lessons for Artificial Intelligence from Other Global Risks

Download Preprint PDF It has become clear in recent years that AI poses important global risks. The study of AI risk is relatively new, but it can potentially learn a lot from the study of similar, better-studied risks. GCRI’s new paper applies to the study of AI risk...

September 2019 Newsletter

Survival and Flourishing Fund Grant GCRI has been awarded a $60,000 grant from the Survival and Flourishing Fund (SFF), a new donor-advised fund held at the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. SFF’s goal is “to bring financial support to organizations...

Book Review: End Times

View in Science GCRI Executive Director Seth Baum recently reviewed Bryan Walsh’s new book End Times: A Brief Guide to the End of the World for Science. Dr. Baum calls End Times is “a highly readable account of the field of global catastrophic risk as it...