Dear friends, I am editing a new special issue on “Governance of Artificial Intelligence” for the journal Information. The call for papers is online here. Please see details below. Please feel free to circulate this among others who may be interested....
Dear friends, A primary reason GCRI works across the range of global catastrophic risks is to address the many important points of intersection between the risks. These points of intersection often are neglected by communities that focus on one risk at a time. This...
Dear friends, A major impediment to addressing global catastrophic risk is the cognitive challenge posed by the complex, interdisciplinary nature of the risks. Identifying practical, effective solutions for reducing the risk requires a command of a wide range of...
Dear friends, The ongoing wave of anti-racism protests are prompting long-overdue conversation and action to establish a more equitable society in the US and worldwide. We at GCRI are saddened by the tragic deaths that have sparked these protests and hopeful that...
View in California Magazine This article discusses pandemic risk in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and how better preparation for this catastrophic event could have prevented countless deaths. The article begins as follows: THIS PANDEMIC WAS NOT A...