On Friday, April 5, Blue Marble Space (BMS) was informed by the IRS that its 501c3 nonprofit status has been revoked. Details can be found in this series of letters from BMS President Sanjoy Som.

GCRI is a BMS initiative. Therefore, as of April 5, GCRI also does not have 501c3 status, and donations made to GCRI will not be tax exempt. We are working with BMS to resolve this situation and regain 501c3 status as fast as possible. We will keep you updated as the situation unfolds.

We emphasize that fundraising is the only GCRI activity affected by this. All other activities will proceed as normal. This includes our research, publications, discussion groups, online lectures, and everything else we have going on. And we will continue fundraising too. Indeed, we can still accept donations, just without tax exemption.

We are grateful for all of the support GCRI has received, including its monetary donors and everyone else who has contributed in some way. While the loss of 501c3 status will be an impediment to some of our fundraising efforts, we are committed to pushing through this and continue building GCRI.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments about this, or about any other aspect of GCRI.

Seth Baum, Tony Barrett, and Grant Wilson

Update, 27 April 2013: The links in the letters from Sanjoy Som are a bit tricky to follow, so here are direct links:
* IRS 501c3 approval
* IRS 501c3 revocation